
Saturday, 16 July 2011

Be part of the Biggest Youth Film to Hit the UK

Anyone who missed the initial meeting still has a chance to be part of the Poetry - Parkour Film.

The film funded by the Royal Society of Arts with a £2,500 grant merges the art of Parkour with Poetry (Free-Running, Click here to see the Parkour group working with Words Apart for this Film!

The concept will be Britishness and what we identify as being British.  We NEED YOU, THE YOUTH to add to the film as POETS, ACTORS, WRITERS, BEAT-BOXERS, DANCERS, ARTISTS, PRODUCERS, DIRECTORS.

Be part of London's biggest youth film this summer and attend the premier afterwards, it's also something great to put on your personal statement.

The first two days are like this

MONDAY  18th JULY - Planning and writing 

TIME  12 - 3pm  at East Finchley - Noble sage Art gallery - 2A Fortis Green , London N2 9EL 

Directions: come out East Finchley station turn left. Walk to the hilltop and turn right at the lights. It's there in front of you!

TUESDAY 19TH JULY - planning and writing - @ the Noble Sage Art Gallery again. 


On Tuesday, Locations for the filming will be confirmed.  BUT if you want to take part, you MUST ATTEND the sessions on MONDAY AND TUESDAY. 

Any problems tweet me or ring zain and get my number

Ring me on 07852337369 if you have any problems! 

Arji and Zain

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